The C-Suite Network Leadership Forums are a series of experiential, immersive, exclusive, and educational events where attendees will learn from some of the brightest minds in the military, luxury concierge, wine industry, and business enterprise.
Cristina DiGiacomo

Cristina DiGiacomo

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As an industrial philosopher, I believe that wisdom is the ultimate skill. I connect timeless principles and values to drive talent and organizational success. My Wiser At Work programs combines my 20 years of management experience, 9 years of practice in Philosophy and a Masters in Organizational Change Management. I’m the VP of the Organization Development Network of NYC, a member of the Society for Human Resources and Association for Talent Development. I’m currently authoring “Wise Up! At Work” (available 3/2020).

“Cristina’s insights into how people work and how managers can engage their teams effectively are very powerful. Her work is based on timeless philosophy and the human experience, this isn’t an app but rather real, time tested strategies that help teams work better together. I love the engagement and the performance that her work delivers.” – Jeff Loehr, Chief Marketing Officer, Red Sapiens